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Thèse Aleksandra Ichkova "Neurovascular unit changes after juvenile traumatic brain injur"

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Thèse Aleksandra Ichkova


"Neurovascular unit changes after juvenile traumatic brain injur"




Several brain disorders still lack appropriate biomarkers to permit early diagnosis, prognostic assessment and clinical evaluation of the efficacy of new treatments. This question is critical for mild traumatic brain injury, which is known to induce long-term brain disorders by increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions, the vulnerability to drug addiction, and by significantly decreasing the life span of the patient. Moreover, clinical and experimental evidence demonstrates the emergence of cognitive dysfunction over time.

Unfortunately, mild TBI is defined by the absence of any changes using traditional neuroimaging techniques (CT scan and MRI with T2 WI and DWI) and its diagnosis is supported uniquely by the verbal report of the patient. This diagnostic issue makes it difficult to follow injured patients over time and to deliver appropriate treatment. Therefore, there is an important societal need to have new biomarkers to follow over the long-term the evolution of injury after initial trauma, in order to have develop treatments as well as to understand the pathophysiology of these conditions using new pre-clinical models that provide a unique integrative approach from bench to bedside


  • Nom : Aleksandra Ichkova