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PhD seminar / Juan BURRONE "Mapping Synaptic Contacts: From Dendrites to the Axon Initial Segment"

Détails de la réservation

Détails de l'évènement

 Juan Burrone

King's College, London / Centre for Developmental Neurobiology


"Mapping Synaptic Contacts: From Dendrites to the Axon Initial Segment"




Neurons in the brain have extensive dendritic arbours that receive both excitatory and inhibitory inputs all along it. The transformation of all these inputs to an output in a single neuron occurs through the integration of synaptic events and the generation of an action potential (or spike) at the axon initial segment. This talk will discuss the properties of both the inputs (synapses) and outputs (axon initial segment) of pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
The first part of the talk will focus on the distribution of synapses along the vast dendritic tree of pyramidal neurons and examine the functional consequences of these arrangements.
The second part of the talk will focus on the plasticity of the axon initial segment and of the GABAergic synapses form onto this domain, to begin to uncover how neuronal output can be modulated in the brain.
Our overall goal is to be able to bring these areas of research together to properly understand how inputs are converted into outputs by neurons in the brain.

Invitant : Bordeaux Neurocampus / NBA



  • Nom : POUGIN Laurie