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Soutenance HDR Johan Garaude "Control of mitochondrial metabolism by innate immunity"

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 Johan Garaude


"Control of mitochondrial metabolism by innate immunity"



Metabolic reprogramming has recently emerged as a major feature of innate immune cells. At the core of this metabolic reprogramming is the mitochondrion, a bioenergetic organelle that also serves as an immune signaling platform. Consequently, metabolic alterations found in patients with mitochondrial disorders are likely to provoke immune cell dysfunctions, which may in turn sensitize patients to microbial infections. Unfortunately, immune dysfunction is not yet recognized as a diagnostic marker for mitochondrial disorders because of a lack of clinical studies. In addition, while much effort has been made to dissect metabolic fluctuations during myeloid cell activation through pattern recognition receptors, the precise role of the mitochondrial respiratory chain is still poorly defined. However, our recent work unraveled a link between respiratory chain structural organization and the regulation of macrophage activity. We propose to characterize the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) structural rearrangements induced by sensing of bacteria and assess their functional outcomes for host defense through proteomics and metabolomics as well as immunological approaches. In addition, we will assess the innate immune dysfunctions associated to mitochondrial disorders using selected patient blood samples in order to provide clinically meaningful assessment of infection susceptibility in those patients. This work will provide useful insights on immunometabolism specificities that could be exploited to treat inflammatory-related diseases including sepsis and to fine-tune vaccines and immunotherapies.
