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Séminaire Neuroscience Robert Kalb "The intricacy of glutamatergic synapses – some new players in the game"

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Robert Kalb

MD, research scientist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor of Neurology at the

Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


"The intricacy of glutamatergic synapses – some new players in the game"



During early postnatal life, synaptic activity within circuits sculpt connectivity among neurons. NMDA-R mediated activity-dependent development during a critical period has been well explored and other pathways exist, operate in parallel, that are NMDA-R independent.  Evidence is provided for a plasticity channel that involves AMPA-R assembled with GluA1, the synaptic scaffolding protein SAP97 and specific SAP97-binding partners including CRIPT.  
While the cell biological processes governed by GluA1/SAP97/CRIPT are just beginning to be explored, they are likely to be critical for normal brain function.

Invité par l'équipe IINS d'Olivier Thoumine



  • Nom : Thoumine Olivier