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Séminiare Freddy Jeanneteau "Ongitudinal two-photon microscopy of the living brain to tackle cellular plasticity"

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Freddy Jeanneteau


"Ongitudinal two-photon microscopy of the living brain to tackle cellular plasticity"



Static assembly of multiple cell types in the brain is not sustainable when physiological state deviates from homeostasis.  Cellular networks must adapt to changes in the environment, aging and disease conditions. What can be learned from the dynamics of cellular networks assembly/disassembly? My lab uses in vivo 2-photon microscopy of the mouse brain to investigate the structural plasticity of cellular networks in normal living conditions and in various pathological states replicating human diseases. I’ll present 2 on-going projects for: (1) tracking the impact of stress on a cortical synaptic engram of motor learning, and (2) for studying the impact of status epilepticus on the remodeling of the blood brain barrier. The results unravel disease mechanisms and have implications for the design of new treatment strategies. 


  • Nom : Virginie MORALES