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PhD seminar – Paul A.M. Smeets "The healthy eater’s brain"

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Détails de l'évènement

Paul A.M. Smeets
University Medical Center Utrecht
Brain Center Rudolf Magnus
Wageningen University, Division of Human Nutrition and Health

"The healthy eater’s brain"


Abstract :

Food intake is regulated by the brain, which integrates multiple neural and hormonal signals to maintain homeostasis and ensure sufficient energy intake. Our current food environment is abundant and undeniably facilitates overconsumption and subsequent weight gain. Consequently, the global obesity epidemic is far from declining. Given the easy and wide availability of palatable energy-rich foods one can argue that most of our eating is non-homeostatic, so not driven by depletion of energy reserves. This means that many other factors are driving our eating decisions and thereby energy and nutrient intake, including but not limited to environmental factors such as food availability and portion size, and personal characteristics like reward sensitivity and food-related cognitions. We all know we should eat healthy but apparently many don’t put this into practice. Much research has focussed on the determinants of unhealthy eating and obesity including putative ‘malfunction’ of the reward system. I will take an opposite approach and explore the (brain) characteristics of healthy food choice and weight loss success and how these may translate into strategies that promote healthy eating.


  • Nom : Rodriguez Arnaud